The peer-reviewed Journal of Distilling Science (JDS), is for the publication of reviews and solid research. It is open to an international audience, publishing high-quality and original scientific papers reporting significant research, technical reports, applicable analytical techniques and methods, and reviews, that deal with the scientific and technical disciplines applied primarily to the distilling of high quality potable alcoholic beverages (biology/microbiology, chemistry/biochemistry, molecular biology, physics and engineering). Acceptable research and review areas include those related to brewing, fermentation (including multiple parallel and solid-state fermentation and koji production, etc.), distilling, maturation and distribution of quality distilled spirits and to their associated raw materials and by-products. Papers will be accepted for review from universities and colleges, research institutes and industrial laboratories, distilleries, raw materials producers, and allied industries supporting the testing and quality control functions of distilling operations. All submitted materials will be sent to three expert reviewers for their considered assessment with due consideration to all confidentiality.
To Preview the Journal of Distilling Science:
Members of The Board Include:
Aaron McLeod, Hartwick College Center for Craft Food and Beverage
Akira Wanikawa, Ph.D., Nikka Whiskey
Alan Wolstenholme, BSc, MSc, The International Center for Brewing & Distilling, Heriot-Watt University
Alex Speers, Ph.D., University Dalhousie
Ana Guadalupe Valenzuela-Zapata, Ph.D., Agave Lessons Educational Services
Andre R. Alcarde, Ph.D., University of São Paulo (College of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz)
Andrei Prida, Ph.D., Seguin Moreau
Annie Hill, Ph.D., The International Center for Brewing & Distilling, Heriot-Watt University
Bowen Wang, Ph.D., Beijing Technology & Business University
Bradley Berron, Ph.D., James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits, University of Kentucky
Chris Paumi, Ph.D., Fusion Brewing
Christopher Gerling, Ph.D., Cornell University
Christopher J. Findlay, PhD, CFS, FIFT, Compusense Inc.
Conor O’Driscoll, Heaven Hill Distillery
Darrin L. Smith, Ph.D., Avila University
Dean McDonald, MSc, Lindores Abbey Distillery
Denise R. Anderson, MSc., Retired Analytical Chemist
Derek D. Bussan, Ph.D., Eastern Kentucky University
Elizabeth Liz Rhodes, MSc. Dipl. Dist, Spirit Safe Consulting
Frances Jack, PhD, Dipl Dist, FIBD, The Scotch Whisky Research Institute
Franklin Chen, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Gordon Burns, ETS Laboratories
Gregory H. Miller, Ph.D., UC Davis
Guillaume de Pracomtal, Canton Cooperage
Jacob Lahne, Ph.D., Virginia Tech
Jamie Baxter, BSc, Craft Distilling Services Ltd
Jeannine Delwiche, Ph.D. CFS, Tasting Science, LLC
John D.E. Jeffery, MSc., Bently Heritage Estate Distillery
John Edwards, Ph.D., Process NMR Associates, LLC
Keith R. Cadwallader, Professor of Food Chemistry, University of Illinois, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Kurt A. Rosentrater, Ph.D., Iowa State University
Luis Ayala, The Rum University / Rum Central
Matthew Pauley BSC, Dipl Dist Assistant Professor (Distilling)
Michael Qian, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Miguel Cedeno, Tequila/Mezcal Expert
Molly Troupe, MSc., Freeland Spirits
N.A. “Nik” Willoughby, Ph.D., Beng. Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering, Heriot-Watt University
Nathan Kreel, Ph.D., Distilling Industry Manager, Univar Solutions
Prof. dr Nermina Spaho, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Patrick Heist, Ph.D, Ferm Solutions, Inc. and Wilderness Trail Distillery
Patrick M. Hayes, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Paul Hughes, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Ray Marsili, Ph.D., Marsili Consulting Group
Reade Huddleston, MS.c, Headframe Spirits
Richard Curtis Bird, Ph.D., Auburn University
Robert J. Arnold, MSc., Ph.D in Training
Rob McCaughey, WSET Americas
Roy D. Desroches, University Vermont
Seth DeBolt, Ph.D, James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits, University of Kentucky
Sir Adam Carmer, Ed.D., University of South Florida
Steve Wright, MSc. Spiritech Solutions Inc.
Stuart Joseph Williams, Ph.D., University of Louisville
Thomas S. Collins, Ph.D., Washington State University Viticulture & Enology Program
Toshio Ueno, Sake Samurai, Sake School of America and Mutual Trading Co., Inc.